What the Hell is Happening? A Life Update from London
Greetings from London!
A lonely Sunday morning has transformed into a perfectly lovely day of shopping, reading, and wondering. These seem to be my go-to activities for the time I’ve had alone here so far. Disclaimer: time alone has been much more common than I’m used to. For the second time this year I’m in a new home, but this time I’m finding it difficult to separate the present from my past British experiences. My retired home of Hatfield is only two trains away, and the fact that the family I had earlier this year simply isn’t there, breaks my heart. My nostalgic tendencies and love of new beginnings are terribly confused as I explore a familiar neighborhood without the ability to see the people I once saw in this city. It makes it feel a bit more daunting and lonesome. Hopefully my new life will slot into the category of normal soon. Now, that’s enough of an emotional update for today, let’s talk about something else.
Limited suitcase space has resulted in a selective capsule wardrobe for my new life. It’s enlightening knowing how little you have to choose from in the morning. It’s impossible to get overwhelmed or feel guilty for not getting enough wear out of a piece you splurged on. Did I make some bad packing decisions when it came to clothes? Quite possibly. But for now I’m enjoying building what feels like intimate relationships with my select few items of clothing. We’re going to explore so much together. As long as I don’t let my habit of spilling and staining ruin things, these clothes are going to support me through my highs and lows the next few months. With the new edition of a wide leg pair of pleather trousers (yum), a thrifted suede jacket (which it's already almost too cold to wear), and a salmon pink boiler suit (it’s outrageous and I love it), the inevitable act of dressing myself is exciting, and keeping me inspired.
As for work, I’m settling in and learning every single day how to be not so slow at things I need to do quickly. What I'm most excited to do is start meeting more people in this industry, begin making connections and remembering names. Meeting the incredibly talented art director Jamie Perlman yesterday began my training of holding in fan-girl type excitement, a skill I hope to hone in the coming months. Other than that, I’m just taking life one step at a time and trying my very best to BREATH. Life is overwhelming right now, but in an exciting way. This is something I really need to have reiterated to me daily, so if you care to slide into my dm's or shoot me an email just telling me "everything’s going to be okay", my state of mental health will thank you.
Till the next update.
What you see in this post:
Boiler Suit - LF Markey
Shoes - Adidas Stan Smith's
Tote Bag - Brick Lane Vintage Market
Thanks for reading.