Everything I’m Working on Right Now
I enjoy being as open as possible on social media. I’m not too fussed about looking perfect or saying something silly. But these past few weeks I’ve had a sinking feeling every time I’ve scrolled and tapped to the hidden collection of apps on my iPhone where Instagram resides. I’ve wanted to see what the world was up to, but knew it would come along with self judgement and jealousy of the amazing things others were perceivably able to achieve whilst still managing to host IG lives and type captions as well thought out as small novellas. I knew what I was working on “behind the scenes”, I knew these massive undertakings were keeping me from posting regular content, but no one else knew this! I felt the need to justify why I wasn’t posting, even though I was probably the only person who noticed and/or cared. As I type this I’m thinking to myself; Isn’t that exactly what I’m doing by writing this post? I’m excited to fill the internet in on all the amazing projects I’ve been involved in so far this year and I suppose in doing that, I’m justifying, at least to myself, why some social media breathing room has been demanded. As much as I enjoy filming outfit reels and sharing constant throwbacks to 2019 when my life was much more epic, for lack of a better word, I needed to write this blog post as a reminder that my other passions projects deserve my attention right now. Plus, I think they deserve some showing off, so here you go.
If you follow me you’re probably well aware by now that I am a proud Remake ambassador. We are a community constantly spreading the word to help educate others about ways we can make the fashion industry a force for good. I’ve been craving doing more in this space since the day I joined the ambassador community. Everyone I’ve connected with is so inspiring, and finding a way to become even more engaged with the cause was a massive goal of mine. Just over a month ago I was introduced to the perfect pathway to do just that. I applied and became the Remake Community Organizer for Canada. It’s a volunteer position that I am ecstatic to get rolling. Hosting my first virtual event is top of my to-do list, which I am currently planning with the help of two other ambassadors, and will be sharing open invites to through my Instagram. This is hopefully just the beginning of the execution of a million and one ideas I have cooking in my brain. Stay tuned!
Writing about Rising publicly feels quite surreal. What was once a BBA final year project has not only flourished but completely transformed into a start-up social enterprise fuelled by a powerhouse team. I’m nearly giddy when I say the name out loud because I can’t quite believe how far this project has come over mere months. We’re currently in the tail end of our pilot phase for our first teaching module. This is what we do! We collaborate with non-profits and educators to create teaching materials that bring those important causes into the class room, with the aim to build empathy, and empower future change-makers. There’s your elevator pitch: Done. Our first module discusses the topic of Homelessness, and we can’t wait to expand with our next module on Sustainable Fashion. The name was semi-secretly inspired by my love for Hamilton; the meaning behind it rooted in the idea of a community rising up together. We have big plans for the future of Rising.
Other Life Things
Among all this advocacy work, starting a business, and working full time - my family has been neck deep in the stressors of selling our house. I never knew how anxiety inducing it would be to keep your house in pristine condition at all times. At any moment we could have a showing. I have essentially been living out of my Marc Jacobs backpack, a phenomenon I’m familiar with, however this time doesn’t have the benefits of my plane hopping past. The stress has paid off as we near the end of the process, and I say with completely sincerity that I could not be more excited for the interior design opportunities that will come in the next few months. I dream of creating a space that perfectly reflects the person I am right now, an aesthetic I think may surprise people. Tagging onto that note, I have an extremely loose plan/idea/wonderment I hope to put into action in the coming months. It’s something I’ve pondered doing for a long time now, but never quite had the courage or time to explore. Here’s your hint: it’s going to be très sexy. I’ll leave you with that… ooo so secretive.
And that, my loves, is my life right now. This is what I’m doing behind the mask of Instagram. Please let me know in the comments below your thoughts on social media breaks, how you find balance, and the details of any cool projects you’re currently working on!
Thanks for reading.